History of food bleg.

7 11 2009

Cross-posted at La Vida Locavore (where I’m expecting most of the answers to pop up).

I’m a history professor by profession. My training is in American labor history, but the problem with that is that whenever it goes on the schedule I can’t get enough students to sign up for it so that the class survives. Therefore, next semester I’m trying to pioneer a subfield that nobody really has training in: Food History.

I’ve already ordered my books (all of which I’ve already read and recommend highly):

Levenstein, Revolution at the Table.
Horowitz, Putting Meat on the American Table.
McNamee, Alice Waters and Chez Panisse.
Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

I’ve also ordered a bunch of books with article length pieces from which I’ll assign pieces:

O’Neill, Ed., American Food Writing.
Remnick, Ed., Secret Ingredients.
Kurlansky, Ed., The Food of a Younger Land.

As this course is going to be a reading seminar, I’m afraid I don’t have enough stuff (particularly as I won’t assign everything in the collections). Therefore, I’m looking for good essays on the history of food in America that I could just link to in the final syllabus when I write it. It doesn’t matter what kind of food, my hope is to cover everything from Breakfast through midnight snacks with everything in between.

So ya got anything for me? [URLs are crucial here, of course.]



One response

7 11 2009

There are some folklorists who specialize in foodways. Names and references are not bubbling to the surface of my brain at the moment, but try some basic folklore textbooks for references that might work for a history class.

I also highly recommend this documentary: “Divine Food: 100 Years in the Kosher Delicatessen Trade”

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